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strangelove has pro models?!?

Yes. Yes we do. Both Timothy Johnson and Max Murphy now have pro model boards in our lineup—finally. You see, from day one of StrangeLove this has always been my goal, and I couldn't be happier with these two guys for making what may in fact have been a lifelong fantasy a very stoked reality.

I first met Timmy and Max back in January 2020, when we were all air dropped onto the streets of San Francisco wearing fuzzy pink shoes to spend five days filming for our Valentine's Day shoe release on Nike SB that February. I didn't know anything about them (both came aboard courtesy of our team manager Rob Sissi's efforts), they didn't know anything about me (aside from the usual graphic stuff), but we all got along great and I adjectively loved the creative energy and enthusiasm they brought to the streets each and every day of our stay in SF. They were precisely the kind of skaters I wanted on the StrangeLove team… the kind who just make skateboarding fun and enjoyable (and, in Tim's particular case, could walk away from a horrific flip straight onto his back with a smile still on his face—a feat alone which spoke volumes to me).

Best of all, though, they're straight out of the Midwest and well respected stalwarts of their respective scenes—Tim from Chicago, IL, Max from Milwaukee, WI—which more or less brings my own skateboarding trip there and back again, geographically speaking, as I first started skating in the bare-boned central sticks of Wisconsin, circa 1986. And I know I've said it before, but you can bet your damn ass I'm gonna say it again and again: It really does take a special kind of diehard soul to live, thrive, and survive as a skateboarder throughout the seasonal years of the Midwest, and those that do manage to persevere genuinely love skateboarding for life—and that's Timmy and Max to an absolute tee.

This weekend, Uprise Skate Shop in Chicago will be hosting a board release event for Timmy this Saturday, December 3, from 4–7pm, while Sky High in Milwaukee will have boards and prints available at the shop during regular business hours on Saturday with a formal party held for Max on Sunday, December 4, at the Cactus Club starting at 6pm. So if you're in either of their Midwestern vicinities, please stop by and make the most of these days for them. Congratulations, Timmy and Max. We're all super proud to have you guys representing the brand and stoked to be supporting what you do best: skate. —Sean Cliver


No pesky or too-clever-for-my-own-good footnotes this word-go-round, but I do have a brand-spanking-new edit of Max to share with footage compiled by his friends in Milwaukee. Extra special thanks to Josh Ellis for bringing it all to the finish line just in the nick of pro debut time for a spot in Thrasher's video junk drawer!

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